Monday, November 5, 2007

Workshops and more workshops!

Recently, I have been busy going around conducting workshops for students. The workshop is meant for P4 pupils who will be using calculators next year as part of the change in the Mathematic syllabus.

The other day, I went to this all-boy school and started greeting them "boys and girls"! They stared at me and told me there were no girls in their school. Haha! I told them I was used to greeting "boys and girls" for a few years already.

The common question they usually asked is "How to switch off the calculator?". Well, the calculator used is the Casio, model FX-82AU, which is currently used by the secondary students. Well, there is another brand, Sharp. I understand this model will be used by Zhangde Primary School. Also, the pupils in Xinmin Secondary are also using this model.

This morning, I met my old friend, old classmate and old "relative", who shares the same surname as me, in a primary school I went. She is Michelle. Well, she is getting married next March, so I must start saving for her ang pao! Haha! :P

Another of my "relative" is also getting married soon, this end of year. I hope she is all ready to become the Bride of the Year!!! :D

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