Hello, long time no blog! Busy and have no time to do it. Anyway, 6th February is my son's birthday. He loves strawberry, so we bought him 2 strawberry short cakes from Four Leaves. He likes its strawberry short cake as it has strawberries on the cake and in the cake! Well, one of the cakes was bought by his eldest aunt. The other one was ordered by me. We had one at my mum-in-law's place while we ate the other one at my mum's place. He was very happy that day.
We went down to Chinatown after the reunion dinner at my mum's place. We went back to our place first as our stomachs were not feeling well that evening. I guess it could be something that we ate in the afternoon. Anyway, Chinatown was crowded as usual. We stood opposite Yue Hwa building just across the road from Chinatown Point. We had a hard time finding a parking lot, so in the end, we ended up in Chinatown Point. Yu Hong was still sleeping when we reached Chinatown. He was very tired that evening so he slept in the car. Luckily, he woke up minutes before 12 midnight. It is a yearly event to go down to Chinatown to watch the fire crackers and fireworks. Yu Hong was very afraid of the loud "cracking" sound from the fire crackers. He covered his ears throughout the whole event. It was very very loud and deafening. This year, Yu Hong commented that there was no lion dance. He remembered the lion dance performance last year.
After the fire crackers and fireworks, we went into the small lanes to "shop". There were many stalls selling all sorts of food, drinks and new year stuffs. They were all slashing prices after midnight as they wanted to "get rid" of their stuffs as soon as possible before the people left. There was this teenager who kept saying "Oh my god!" while pushing through the crowd. It was still very crowded when we left Chinatown at around 1.30am. It was tiring, sweaty and fun.
On our way to the carpark, I noticed a family of four, an old grandmother, a man, a woman and a little girl, rummaging through the dustbins along the road, picking up empty drink cans. Further down the road, after an Indian temple, was two other women rummaging for the same thing. Life must be very hard for them. It reminds me that we should be contented with what we have and be prepared for the "rainy" days... Somehow, the two women we met seemed to be from China. They did not look like the locals. Hmmm...